HHH stands for HEAD, HEART & HAND, which represents the three domains of the human brain, namely
COGNITIVE (how we know the world),
AFFECTIVE (how we understand the world via feelings) &
PSYCHOMOTOR (relationship between cognitive functions and physical movement).
A training program in life skills, study skills and value education for students of classes 9 to 12 covering Super Memory, Handwriting, Public Speaking, Communications Skills, Coping skills with Emotions, Time management, Getting up Early, Linking Skills, Interpersonal Skills, Concentration Techniques, High Scoring Techniques, Goal Setting & more.
A small action research done in the 90’s to improve the handwriting and easy way of learning mathematical formulae has grown into a complete-fledged personality development program.
The program is a power-packed heart-to-heart communication with a perfect blend of scientific & Indian moral values with down-to-earth techniques. Over the years, several hundreds of students and adults have taken advantage of the HHH Programme. The press, NGOs, Rotary, Lions Club, and other quality-conscious organizations have highly acclaimed this program and benefitted from it.
Who can join?
Students in grade 9 to 12, looking to simplify their life by starting early and applying secrets that help them operate with a winning mindset.
This course enables the students to prepare them for the tough ride ahead of them and help them conquer with ease.
Our happy clients
What people say about Masterpeaze
The facilitator is indeed a master trainer….through the eloquent way of storytelling and narration of the incident, he wins the heart of the participants.
Abhila VK
Spicing up the severe topics with personal/exciting anecdotes, stories, and invaluable quotes from the Bible, the Gita, etc. shows the versatility of the facilitator.
My son had never seen the dawn before attending HHH, and now he’s up before me!!!
Krithika Devi
I used to be in tears unknowingly everytime I try to convey my thoughts to my family and I hated myself , as it turned off them and they stopped listening.
After a single session with Dhivya, I was able to happily and cleart convey my thoughts without a drop of tear !!!
My sister referred me to Dhivya when I told her I had suicidal intentions. The very first day of meeting Dhivya, I felt relieved. I took a couple of sessions and am currently preparing for rejoining work after a long break. Life has not been so better !!!
I was in a crossroad, I craved something and I was stuck in something else. My conversation with Dhivya helped cleared the clouds and revealed what I wanted and helped me choose the path forward.
My life could not have been more messy. I had a lot of hallucinations and sleepless nights due to my personal situations that I created due to bad decisions. I reached out to Dhivya , had a series of sessions and processed my fear and guilt completely. I am HAPPY now.
Meet our expert Members

Dhivya Thiagarajan

V Thiagarajan